Many couples ask us about creative ways to incorporate games during their wedding reception dinner, especially when guests request a kiss from the newlyweds.
Here are some fun ideas to consider for your special day:
1. **Sing a Song**: To get the couple to kiss, a guest or an entire table must stand and sing a song containing the word “love.” This is a popular choice because it’s engaging and creates a fun atmosphere.
2. **Hershey’s Kisses Game**: Fill a bag with two different colored Hershey’s Kisses (e.g., silver and red). Guests can draw from the bag. If they draw a silver kiss, the couple will kiss. If they draw a red kiss, the guest must return to their table and kiss someone there. This game keeps the guests involved and can be announced by the MC or DJ.
3. **Marriage Advice**: Invite guests to share a piece of marriage advice in exchange for the couple’s kiss. This is a great way to get the guests talking and engaging with each other.
4. **Kissing Die**: Use a large 6-sided die with different outcomes on each side. You can customize the game with the following variations:
– If it lands on lips, the couple kisses. If it lands on a number, the guest returns to their table and kisses someone there.
– If it lands on a number, the couple kisses for that number of seconds. If it lands on lips, the guest kisses someone at their table.
– Another variation is having the guest return to their table, count seats to their left by the number rolled, and kiss the person in that chair.
5. **Demonstration**: Announce that to get the couple to kiss, a guest or couple must come to the front and demonstrate how they want the couple to kiss. The couple then replicates the kiss. This often leads to amusing results and is a great photo opportunity.
6. **Trivia Game**: Prepare a list of trivia questions about the couple (e.g., their middle names, where they got engaged, where they went to high school). If guests answer correctly, the couple kisses. If they get it wrong, they might need to kiss someone at their table or perform another fun task.
7. **Table Name Trivia**: Name the tables with words significant to the couple (like the street where they met or the place they got engaged). To make the couple kiss, a guest must explain the significance of the table name.
8. **Name That Tune**: Play short clips of popular songs, and if a guest guesses correctly, the couple kisses. If they guess wrong, they might have to kiss someone at their table or perform a fun dance.
9. **Bell Ringing**: Provide small bells at each place setting. When guests ring their bells, the couple kisses.
10. **Chopstick Challenge**: Guests use chopsticks to pick up different items with varying degrees of difficulty. The harder the item, the better the kiss. Easy items might be golf balls or flowers, while harder items could be marbles or coins.
11. **Putting Green**: Set up a mini putting green on the dance floor. Guests who score a hole-in-one get to see the couple kiss. This game can add a unique twist to the reception, especially for golf enthusiasts.
These ideas should help make your reception a fun and memorable experience for everyone involved.
Enjoy your special day!
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